Great article Bev. When will the "diabolical" be held accountable? And by whom. Thank you for this and for all the work you do.

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Yet the Cass review green lights ‘clinical trials’ on puberty blockers being given to children and in her recent Woman’s Hour interview, Cass stated that access to these trials would not be limited in number. So where is the much heralded ban on puberty blockers? She also stated that, for those adults with persistent trans ideation, the side effects of surgery and drugs were ( direct quote) ‘trivial’ compared to the benefits. She also said that cross sex hormones would have been a better option for 15 year old put on puberty blockers at GIDS. Since when has physical harm to a healthy body ever been a laudable treatment for mental distress, of any kind? Especially for children. When will this utter madness come to an end? It is a spectacularly self evident medical scandal - Cass refuses to recognise it as such.

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